ADHD Real Talk RSD

RSD Through The Eyes Of A Sufferer

Before I get started… This post is raw and candid and could make for uncomfortable reading.  I’m sharing my experience to raise awareness about RSD (rejection sensitivity dysphoria) and its impact, not just to vent, but to help others who might be going through similar struggles feel they are not alone.  The particular RSD episode […]

Linda Wathen 

It’s only a text…

As a young child I felt physically safe with my dad.  As a teenager, when I got into trouble with the police, he stood by me, making sure I wasn’t alone.  As a young woman, he rescued me from a physically abusive relationship with a horrendous human.  And then he was carted off to prison […]

Linda Wathen 
All Real Talk

Celebrating Women

Warning – reading this might make you uncomfortable… For my life, yesterday was a stunning example of why we should celebrate women, not just yearly but every bloomin day. I’ve seen lots of social media posts today about outstanding women in history, business and sports… but none yet for the women who aren’t often seen […]

Linda Wathen 
All Real Talk

Unexpectedly Facing Grief

Trigger Warning – This post talks frankly about losing my mum It’s mum’s birthday today and this always comes with such a mix of emotions.  Most years I try to ignore it and stay away from socials in case anyone posts any pictures, but today feels different for some reason… possibly as I’ve got a […]

Linda Wathen 

Three Fat Singletons – Bonus Material

If you’d like to receive on-going updates and bonus material from both books, and future projects, and receive exclusive content, please do drop me an email and I’ll put you on our mailing list! Thanks a lot – Joe The content below is not suitable for under 18’s due to the language used – well, […]

Linda Wathen 

Great Review by EPClark!​ “Chick lit” (oh, how I hate that phrase! But use it I must, for it defines the genre so well) that is also “Brit lit,” but with the twist that the three main characters are, as promised in the title, fat. And not just a little bit fat: Dotty, the heaviest of the three, […]

Linda Wathen 

Interview with Murasaki Press…​ Almost a year ago I met the vivacious JM Bartholomew at The Writer’s Workshop “Getting Published Day”.  Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to follow the rise of her new book Three Fat Singletons, which has just been released on Amazon here. (Available both in paperback and kindle edition).I’m really excited to share JM’s journey […]

Linda Wathen 
3d book display image of Three Fat Singletons

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Look No Further!

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