All Novel Writing

What’s in a name…


Originally ‘Three Fat Singletons’ was a working title until I decided ‘it does exactly what it says on the tin, so left it.  Among my four rejection emails yesterday (JK Rowling got 12 so I’m not overly concerned about this) I received a comment from an agent and it made me question the title.  I’ve posted a poll on Facebook and have had a few comments saying it’s not a problem and one saying it may be…I need more of a quantitative study really!

The comment from the agent was this:  I enjoyed reading it but I represent very little in this field. I would recommend a different title, however. I suspect relatively few readers would want to be seen holding a book with Fat Singletons in the title. But that’s just my view and as I say, this isn’t my area.

It didn’t occur to me that people may not like to see the words ‘fat’ and ‘singleton’ on their front cover…not a problem with Kindle obviously.  I’m wondering if the same will be true of the sequel ‘Three Skinny Marrieds’?  The agent clearly states it’s not their area and just their view but it has made me question again the title.

I’ve never suffered from writers block, although I have absolutely no ideas for a different title!

3d book display image of Three Fat Singletons

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